Creative Bus Shelter Initiative
Images of bus shelter designs via Creative Portland The challenge Waiting for the bus can often be inconvenient for transit riders, as bus stops often
Images of bus shelter designs via Creative Portland The challenge Waiting for the bus can often be inconvenient for transit riders, as bus stops often
North Alley mural funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts Introduction Alleyways are frequently perceived as dark, dangerous, and unpleasant places
Western Avenue Station of the Green Line, located in Little Mekong—a district in the Summit-University and Frogtown neighborhoods of Saint Paul with a high Asian-American
A community-led project aims to help local residents see themselves in new infrastructure and introduce visitors to the local Black neighborhood history in Hyde Park,
Seattle was one of the first cities in the country to pass a public arts ordinance (in 1973) and to make one percent of the
Not a typical mural project, En Route, a project between the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), Fulton County Arts & Culture, and The TransFormation
When a new bus rapid transit (BRT) system was being planned in Oakland, California, a local nonprofit helped deepen community outreach and employed young people
To help Indianapolis’ first bus rapid transit (BRT) route succeed, the Arts Council of Indianapolis and Transit Drives Indy worked with a number of artists
Portland’s MAX light rail stations are full of examples of site-specific works that relate to their surrounding places, people, and history, including Valerie Otani’s Voices
The Indianapolis-based project Moving Stories sourced stories from bus riders about what makes Indianapolis home for them; then shared those stories through images and quotes