About SGA’s arts & culture team
Founded in 2016, Smart Growth America’s arts & culture team works in close collaboration with SGA’s programs, with a special emphasis on supporting the integration of art and culture into transportation projects through Transportation for America.
We believe that art and culture play a crucial role in providing an organizing force for residents, business owners, and other stakeholders to work towards strengthening neighborhoods, by revealing the authentic character of communities, and by connecting citizens with decision makers to collectively pursue smart, equitable policies and projects.
Over the years, our arts & culture work has been generously supported by the Kresge Foundation, ArtPlace America, the National Endowment for the Arts, the McKnight Foundation, and the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
About Smart Growth America
“We envision a country where no matter where you live, or who you are, you can enjoy living in a place that is healthy, prosperous, and resilient.”
Smart Growth America empowers communities through technical assistance, advocacy and thought leadership to create livable places, healthy people, and shared prosperity. We work with elected officials at all levels, real estate developers, chambers of commerce, transportation and urban planning professionals, and residents to improve everyday life for people across the country through better development. smartgrowthamerica.org

About Transportation for America
Transportation for America, a program of Smart Growth America, is an advocacy organization made up of local, regional and state leaders who envision a transportation system that safely, affordably and conveniently connects people of all means and ability to jobs, services, and opportunity through multiple modes of travel. t4america.org